Narc Free Living® is a ministry, coaching, and brand that is committed to dismantling & disrupting narcissistic & demonic systems through exhortation, edification, education - by the application of God's Word.

Shannon Savoy founded Narc Free Living® LLC. The company is registered, licensed, and trademarked registered in the USA as a limited liability company in Houston, Texas. Narc Free Living is a ministry & coaching practice that caters to survivors of domestic violence & narcissistic abuse from a biblical perspective. As a survivor of narcissistic family enmeshment, sexual, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, Shannon understands firsthand how damaging narcissistic abuse can be. She also knows the power of the Word of God and how to employ spiritual warfare, prayer, & fasting through Holy Ghost power to overcome strongholds! As believers in Jesus Christ, our goal is to transform lives! We bring abuse to the forefront, shed light on Jezebel, Leviathan, Python, and other demonic spirits. We educate on spirits enter through unconfessed sin, unrepentance, and generational cycles. Narc Free Living helps to eradicate the shame of abuse and helps survivors to THRIVE, live a God-led life – narcissist-free! Break the chains of narcissist abuse!

John 8:36

Moms & Mental Health with Allegra & Shannon!

Allegra Jackson and Shannon Savoy dived into the crucial topic of mental health in relation to motherhood! The myth of the superwoman/super mom is REAL and persists in 2024! MOMS, YOU KNOW WE NEED THIS DISCUSSION, ASAP!! Can you have it all? What are the challenges of mental health and motherhood? Allegra is the co-founder of Women Into Networking (W.I.N.). Shannon is a W.I.N. Ambassador (Houston Chapter). Learn more about W.I.N. here: Catch the replay! About Allegra: Allegra has a strong background in [...]

#NewFeature with Tera Carissa Hodges!

I am now featured on I Love My with Tera Carissa Hodges! My story isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s a genuine testament to how God can turn your pain into a greater purpose! . As a certified trauma-informed recovery coach, I help survivors tackle trauma at its roots, fostering a transformational mindset shift from within, breaking the chains of narcissistic abuse. . Empowering others to break abuse chains through coaching that includes spiritual warfare, exhortation, & education is a privilege. . Once [...]

Chain Breaker University | Addressing Mother Wounds!

We are delving deeper into various aspects of the mother-child relationship, exploring how it shapes our lives and how to break the chains! Join us in Chain Breaker University (CBU) virtually via Zoom on Thursday, May 30th at 6:30 pm CDT | 7:30 pm EDT, as we break the chains of narcissistic abuse together. CBU is a safe, supportive space for women survivors of abuse. I help you unpack, process, and heal to help you birth out, break through, and [...]

How We Broke The Chains Of Narcissistic Abuse with Ina & Co-Authors! Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse!

Join Shannon Savoy of Narc Free Living, Ina, and some of the co-authors LIVE!  On Wednesday, May 15th, at 6:30pm CDT | 7:30pm EDT, we will be discussing the importance of sharing your testimony, recognizing the signs of narcissistic abuse, and how to break the chains! Set your REMINDER NOW! Don’t miss this Chain Breaker Conversation!  We’ll be streaming live on YouTube and FB.

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